Sunday, August 19, 2012

China's "Garbage Fed Beef" Food Scandal

China's "Garbage Fed Beef" Food Scandal Video Clips. Duration : 1.30 Mins.

For more news visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Follow us on Facebook ☛ And the latest food scandal to disturb Chinese consumers concerns cattle--found living in and eating from a garbage landfill. Here's more. The images of cattle living among the gently rolling hills of a garbage landfill turned many Chinese stomachs. More specifically, viewers worried that they might have eaten beef from one of the animals raised on this sort of garbage diet. One of the main health concerns associated with eating such meat might be due to mercury, or other chemicals. These are present in many electronics and other throwaway items, and might leach into the organic waste that the cattle feed upon. From there, chemicals can contaminate the whole animal and then affect its ultimate human consumer. And there are a host of other potential health dangers. [Wu Jiacheng, Chemistry Professor, National Taiwan Normal University]: "There are some bacteria shared by livestock and humans. Cows, sheep, or pigs may eat these things and have no issues, but once they reach the human body, they cause illness. For instance, listerial infections can cause death in humans. If a mother is pregnant and is affected by this sort of bacteria, the infant fatality rate can be 100%."

Tags: NTD, NTDTV, China News, beef, animal, meat, infections, consumer, organic waste, cattle

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